I have 6 songs that I will be releasing soon.
I love all of them. Each is special. Each has that je ne sais quoi.
Sometimes, I obsess on just a few aspects of a song.
Today, I am fixating on this lyrical line and melodic phrases of
"Un hilo de oro en el cielo
Cubriendo cada sueño por realizar
Y me iré y te irás
Al otro lado del amor
Y siento y entiendo que no hay un momento
En que te olvide por completo
Quiero tenerte frente a mi
Con tantas ganas de vivir"
The first two lines set up the hook.
As far as hooks go, this one is a hit! It is the most cathartic hook I have ever sang!
It catches not only your ear but your heart and your emotions and then you are lost in the infinite. Very hard to hold back the tears on this one.
Check it out: